he Gathering of the Party
12th of Midsummer, Year 1018 of the Age of Hope
September 22, 2001

The adventurers meet for the first time, amidst confusion, bloodshed, and the awakening of the dead.

Read objective version, or journals from Gladriel, Nikolaus, Rommel

iege on Skeletown
22nd of Midsummer, Year 1018 of the Age of Hope
October 6, 2001

A sixteen-year-old in charge of a fifty-man army. Six hundred skeletons destroyed. And things are getting worse??

Read objective version, or journals from Gladriel, Nikolaus, Rommel

arching the Wrong Way
22nd of Latesummer, Year 1018 of the Age of Hope October 10, 2001

The party is pressed into service in the Army, and narrowly thwarts an attempted invasion of the neighboring Elves.

Read objective version, or journals from Gladriel, Nikolaus, Quinn, Rommel

ashing in on Success
26th of Latesummer, Year 1018 of the Age of Hope October 18, 2001

The Elves reward the party, and Argyle saves Nikolaus from his newfound role of Mayor.

Read objective version, or journals from Gladriel, Nikolaus, Quinn, Rommel

nto the Cold Depths of Terror
2nd of Fall, Year 1018 of the Age of Hope November 4, 2001

On the way to the capital city, an amazing adventure takes place in the depths of a nearly frozen lake.

Read objective version, or journal from Gladriel

nce More into the Depths
23rd of Fall, Year 1018 of the Age of Hope
November 18, 2001

Reaching the capital for the first time; meeting Yama again; and back into Lake Chilblain in an attempt to find a cure for Nikolaus.

Read objective version, or journals from Gladriel, Nikolaus

ere comes the Cavalry!
2nd of Midfall, Year 1018 of the Age of Hope
December 15, 2001

In a bid to rescue Argyle's lost Dwarven companions, the party decends into the depths of an Orcish breeding pit. The terrible Wizard who lurks at its bottom is a terrible contrast to the Wild Elves of the night before.

Read objective version, or journal from Nikolaus, Gladriel

he Mad Mage
13th of Midfall, Year 1018 of the Age of Hope
January 12, 2002

The party is summoned by Yama to the tower of the extremely powerful (and somewhat mad) Wizard Nymriell. They achieve his mission, destroy a second breeding pit, and turn the whole mountain range into a string of active volcanoes. Jilas decides that's not enough for one day, so he attacks Nymriell, possibly bringing doom on the entire group.

Read objective version, or journals from Nikolaus, Quinn, Gladriel

ightmares and Farewell
16th of Midfall, Year 1018 of the Age of Hope
February 9, 2002

Flight from Nymriell is interspersed with hellish nightmares. The visions start to come true when Jilas is slain by diabolical spiders, and his body returns as a zombie to harass the survivors. Whitehall provides refuge, but then exiles Argyle for his heresy. And the Mage remains.

Read objective version, or journals from Nikolaus, Quinn.

he Impossible Happens
26th of Midfall, Year 1018 of the Age of Hope
March 13, 2002

Fenris arrives, carrying an ultimatum from the Wild Elves: "Return to the River of Fire to put an end to the forces that have set the forests ablaze." Already fidgety in Whitehall, they are eager to go, but a fatal experiment by Vlage proves it's still not safe with Nymriell around. The table is turned with astonishing speed with Gladriel pulls off an amazing surprise attack and destroys the Archmage... with both Quinn and Rommel dying in battle.

Read objective version, or journal from Nikolaus, Fenris, Quinn.

ire in the Hole
7th of Latefall, Year 1018 of the Age of Hope
April 20, 2002

Once more in the sulpherous subterranean depths, fighting valiantly, but up against tough odds. Quinn has a rough time of it, losing his beloved familar Hugo to a group of invisible hellcats. And then it gets worse...

Read objective version.

ire Fight
12th of Latefall, Year 1018 of the Age of Hope
May 19, 2002

The subterranean battle reaches its climax with the party pitted against Xorn, a Naga, demons, and deadly invisible vapors. Victorious in the fight, the heroes manage to seal the River of Fire they had earlier unleashed. It ends darkly, though, with Vlage surrendering to the Green Fist in order to buy his comrades time to escape.

Read Rommel's journal.

18th of Latefall, Year 1018 of the Age of Hope
June 23, 2002

Talk about a cliffhanger! Peering into Councillor Larnel's crystal ball, Quinn watches Yama performing a highly suspicious ceremony in a crypt in the Desert of Korvalti. Then Yama senses he's being scryed upon and shatters the connection.

he end of Yama
24th of Latefall, Year 1018 of the Age of Hope
July 13, 2002

Talmaris teleports Gladriel, Rommel and Fon to a tomb of the heroes of the great Korvalti war, to put an end to Yama's evil works. A great number of the long-dead warriors have been brought to life, further evidence of the dark magics practiced there. After destroying one hundred skeletons in a single battle, the group finally hacked their way through to Yama. When he scoffed at a last chance for mercy, Gladriel slew him. However, Yama's involvement in the necromantic arts had so consumed him that upon his death he took the form of a wraith. For about a minute. Then Gladriel cured him of that affliction, with the power of his Sunbrand. A search of his makeshift study revealed notes and a map written in Drow.

almoris Deposed
25th of Latefall, Year 1018 of the Age of Hope

Convinced that the Valmoris, the head of the Whitehall Mage Council, is in league with dark powers, the party decides to attempt to unseat him. A complex and difficult plot ensues. At one point, Fenris assumes the form of one of Valmoris' allies, the mage-killer dwarf Hargen. Gladriel and the others create a convincing distraction long enough for Fenris to swipe damning evidence from Valmoris' desk. Valmoris and some of his allies are exiled from Belvedere. It is feared they have fled to the desert of Korvalti.

he Circle
3rd of Winter, Year 1018 of the Age of Hope
December 14, 2002

Both Rommel and Quinn are called away by their respective duties to the Mage Council and the army, but the party presses on anyway in search of the Circle of Protection shown on the ancient map. It is their first visit to several new kingdoms, and despite attempting to keep a low profile, the party leaves its mark. In Chatulu, to this day, some of the inhabitants worship the "Great Southern Gods". Their encounter with a Drow ruins is a jarring experience. It is surrounded by a cursed forest, including what appears to be an undead Treant. Within, a staircase leads down into elegant hallways of faceted obsidian, all trying to kill the intruders in different and imaginative ways.

ime Flies
11th of Midsummer, Year 1020 of the Age of Hope
January 11, 2003

Quinn and Rommel catch up with the rest of their comrades in great confusion. In the few hours the adventurers have been below ground, more than two years have passed in the rest of the world! They decide their mission is important enough to press on regardless, and discover magical artifacts including a suit of armor so magical that it fights ferociously without anyone needing to wear it. The greatest artifact of all is the Godless Throne, a Drow focus of power able to defeat the will of the gods themselves. Yet—somehow—the heroes continue to dreams of defeating the dark race.

Read Fenris' presentation to the Elders, or view Quinn's journal.

ce Wyrm
26th of Latesummer, Year 1025 of the Age of Hope
February 22, 2003

Six and a half years have elapsed since the fellowship decended into the first Circle, although those inside experienced only a few hours. And yet they know their mission is far from completed. Compelled to explore the second Drow site, the Circle of Imprisonment, the party returns to the northern mountains. Fenris uses all of his shape-shifting prowess in an attempt to burrow into the subterranean Circle undetected, but is foiled by the white dragon which has guarded the valley for a millenia. Battle ensues, Jilas experiences bareback dragon flight at 200 miles an hour, and it takes the group's combined strength to survive an icy death in the wyrm's lair. Shaken by the destruction of such a magnificant creature, Fenris ends his fragile alliance.

Images from the battle

he Throne of Unlife
7th of Midfall, Year 1025 of the Age of Hope
March, 2003

The fellowship is exhausted by the struggle against the ancient dragon and the loss of Fenris, as well as the absence of Quinn, who attempts without luck to talk the wild elf into returning. Yet they push on into the depths of the Circle of Imprisonment. The myriad traps of the previous Circle are missing, but in their place are an assortment of hideous beasts, most of them gruesomely undead. The Circle of Imprisonment was clearly a prison, as well as a torture chamber and place of execution, with blood channels running from each room. At the heart of the deep caverns of black crystal the party is overwhelmed with hundreds of the abominations, and only by unlocking the secret of the Throne of Unlife are they able to escape.

xmoor Rescue
14th of Midfall, Year 1025 of the Age of Hope
April, 2003

The drums of war cannot be ignored. The latest disturbing note arrives with a bird sent from Jilas' sweetheart Jayla, begging him to help save her village of Oxmoor. In a nightmarish reprise of the party's first struggles, they defend the city agains a horde of walking dead and the lich who rules them. The grateful villagers invite their heroic defenders to stay and celebrate the victory, but duty demands a hasty return to Whitehall.

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