ind ancers

The nomadic Wind Dancer tribe lives on the northern outskirts of the Desert of Korvalti. Unlike other people from the region, the Wind Dancers view the Desert as a sanctuary and frequently retreat to it to avoid conflict with others. Of course, there is no sustenance in the desert, so they must always return to the fringes to tend their herds and restock their provisions.

The Wind Dancers maintain herds of camels and goats, which they frequently leave guarded in the secluded box canyons just beyond the desert. While the Wind Dancers speak the common tongue in order to communicate with outsiders, amongst themselves they speak auran (the language of air creatures).

The winds and storms of the desert figure prominently in the language and philosophy of the Wind Dancers, as does their reliance on mobility. They refer to those who live in permanent buildings as "rooted." In their world, there is safety in speed, both from a defensive standpoint as well as when battle is required. They believe it is better to strike an opponent and disappear before they can respond rather than to simply hold the ground and fight. The following traditional wind chant gives some insight into Wind Dancer philosophy:

The Path

Life is moving, death is stillness

How can you catch the wind?
How can you stop the storm?
How can you slow the sands?

You cannot.

So we move like the wind.
So we dance like the storm.
So we shift like the sand.

Winds blow, cities crumble, we remain

The Wind Dancers do not worship any gods. They tend to think those who do are somewhat foolish. It is not that they don't believe that the gods exist, since gods clearly do, but rather the Wind Dancers believe that the greater powers of nature and fate rule even the gods and revere these things instead.

Experienced dervishes are able to leap into combat to strike terrible blows then retreat like an elusive breeze before their opponents can respond. The most experienced dervishes are capable of emulating the terrible desert whirlwind, spinning and striking all enemies within reach.

Magic plays an important role in Wind Dancer society, particularly for guardian dervishes. There is little separation between fighting and magic, both divine and arcane -- magic and metal are all part of the dance. When casting spells, Wind Dancer verbal components are encompassed in their battle chants and their somatic components are entwined in their whirling dance.