
During the Age of Innocence, a group of elves which were not particularly interested in the goals of the High but rather had a particular affinity for nature formed the Order of the Mobius Grove. This order, though widespread throughout the land, formed a loose network of those who sought to protect, study and serve the wildlands about them. The specific goals of the Order of Mobius Grove are not known to outsiders, but one thing that is apparent to all - Members of the Grove respect nature above all other concerns.

Vlajé, a relatively young wood elf of 150 years, is a newcomer to this order, having only sworn into the order 32 years ago. In that time, this copper haired and golden eyed disciple of nature has honed his natural senses and abilities to the point that he is able to call upon the powers of nature to aid him at any time of his calling.

Vlajé is normally found clad in the hide of a fallen forest creature - in honor of their spirit, with Scimitar in hand with a large naturally hewn wooden shield with wild natural markings on its face. He is quite wise for such a young elf, which has served his adoption of OoMG tenants. He always if found with his hawk companion, Kiri (Kee-Ry) which he appears to have some ability to communicate with.

Vlajé has gain slight notoriety for his ability to disappear in the wilderness without others ability to find him, cause plants to grow out of control, make dense fog appear at interesting times, but most of all, people really appreciate him as the distributor of Goodberriestm!

Vlage was abucted by the members of the Green Fist, after he selflessly put himself in harm's way to ensure his companion's escape. He sucessfully managed to bring the Fist under the control of his own Grove, an achievement that dramatically raised his standing within his order. He is rarely heard from these days, spending all his energies on preserving and healing the wild lands from the increasing ravages of the various warring factions.

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