adar of the Orgilla Clan

Sadar was son to Deville and Fatima of the Orgilla clan and was born on a small island just north Kindral in the High lake. His parents were an unlikely pair- Fatima was a druid and natural wanderer and Deville was a powerful and respected ranger who- although was very well traveled and adventurous- grew up in a very tight knit family and clan in a village just south of the High Lakes. The two met while Deville was attempting to arrange a party of fighters to ouster Orcs from destroying the forests of Mobius Grove. While in a skirmish, Deville suffered a serious head injury and barely stumbled to the outskirts of the battle when he lost consciousness. He awoke in a meadow with a beautiful but mysterious druid tending his wounds, and he was instantly smitten.

After the battle, Deville was able to persuade Fatima to move back to his clan and village where they lived happily in Kindal. Eventually, the constant human contact wore on Fatima and she would often escape to the islands of the High Lake where she would stay for weeks at a time.

Sadar grew up very close to the clan in a happy childhood and most closely resembled his father, particularly his idealistic views and his desire to "improve" the natural world. Sadar could never understand his Mother's love of nature but apparent indifference to it. Like his father, it was his belief that man shared and obligation to help improve the natural world when possible and that he has a duty to act as oppose to letting the natural world run its course. Sadar quickly learned the ways of the wilderness through both his parents albeit their similar but sometimes conflicting ideologies. When growing up, often when his father was out on adventures, Sadar would spend weeks meditating and training on the High Lake Islands with his Mother away from the Village.

Besides his father, his other greatest hero was Scontier. Scontier was his father's adventuring partner and served with his father on the village council. Sadar was overwhelmed by Scontier's ability to do magical things with his mind that he always hid from other villagers. Sadar only happened to observe Scontier's magical powers by accident one day while they were hiking together:

When Sadar was ten he was descending a steep canyon with Scontier when he lost his footing and fell down a 150' steep gully triggering a rock and snow slide behind him. As Sadar, barely and abruptly stopped himself on a narrow ledge he had time only to duck before being annihilated by the tons of debris falling down behind him. Impossibly, the rocks managed to go on all sides of him without one stone striking him. Sadar found Scontier on top of the ridge in a trance and knew he somehow manipulated the slides fall saving his life. Scontier was one of Deville's best friends and Sadar grew up knowing Scontier only as Uncle. Scontier made Sadar promise he would never tell anyone of this occurrence.

As Sadar grew older he was encouraged to travel and adventure by both his parents. In his outings and adventures when he returned to the village it became apparent there was growing strife amongst some of the clan council. While a loosely knit clan and village, Deville was often referred to as the chief- although he refused the official title.

In one of Sadar's later outings as he returned he could observed the tension and the bidding for power in his "uncle" he never saw before. Disturbed by this, in the evening Sadar followed and spied on his Uncle meeting other council members in a hidden cave that Sadar knew Scontier went to practice his "magic tricks."

Sadar was so disturbed by what he saw that it took him a week to tell his father who completely dismissed his son's concerns.

When Sadar was 17 he finished a scouting mission by Talport and attempted to race back to the clan one week prior to his father's 40th birthday and the Orgilla Celebration which was the Villages 100 year birthday and the biggest party the village had ever seen.

Sadar was covering about 25 miles a day when one evening he stumbled upon a trail of blood which he followed. The blood trail led to a wolf snare where he found the left hind leg of a large black wolf gnawed off. Sadar followed the trail the other direction until he came upon a dying female wolf.Sadar mercifully relieved the wolf of her pain and was leaving when he heard the distinct sound of a wolf pups closely. Sadar found the den and discovered two dead pups and two very week and malnourished pups. After looking around he determined the adult male wolf had most likely been killed as there were no signs of him. Against his mother's known objections, he scooped up the white pup and his brother the grey and black pup and returned to race back to the village in time for the celebration. On the third day, the white pup died. The grey pup was showing signs of impossible recovery and Sadar named him Denara.

The night before the festival, Sadar left pre-dawn to make it to the village by evening for the festivities. As exhausted as he was he had the sensation that something was wrong as he neared the village. When he got closer he smelled smoke that made the hair on the back of his neck stand up. He raced that last few miles running the whole way as the burned smell was getting stronger and stronger. He arrived at the village to find it completely burned and empty except for the dead and burned villagers he found scattered around. In desperation searching the bodies he eventually found his father who was tortured and showed signs of being burned alive. He never found any signs of his mother. In burying one his childhood rivals but also a long childhood friend he found his rival friend clutching the necklace of the god- St. Cuthbert- god of retribution. He removed the necklace and set it aside because for some reason he couldn't bring himself to bury.

He stayed at the site for a week with only his wolf pup as company giving proper burials to those he could and trying to learn the cause of the slaughter. All he could tell was that it was largely caused by Orcs but in studying the tracks there were obvious signs of humans acting as commanders. Oddly he found a set of tracks he could tell someone tried half-hazardly to cover up. In following the tracks they led to Scontier's secret cave. With a new sense of hope he rushed to the cave hoping to find his uncle alive or other villagers. The cave was empty and cleaned out except for items of little worth and some of Scontiers special items that were neatly packaged up and covered with branches. There was no sign of a struggle or anything unusual except for Scontier's stored valuable items. In the rear of the cave where Scontier often had mysterious and stinky items boiling for days Sadar found partially burned paper. On one piece he observed a map of his village with and on another page he could make his uncles handwriting and what appeared to be "orc" on two different paragraphs.

Sadar broke down and completely lost it. He was awoken that night by his wolf pup. Sadar was distant, remove with a strange calmness that overcame him. Without thinking he orderly carried out the remaining items of the cave and lit a huge fire. He ceremoniously burned Scontier's remaining items and placed around his neck the necklace he found earlier of Cuthbert god of retribution and swore his allegiance to St. Cuthbert as he found his new purpose in life: From that day on Sadar took an oath to live for one purpose: to grow strong and powerful so that he could seek revenge and retribution on Scontier and whoever else was responsible his Father's death and the destruction of his village.

So began the wanderings and adventures of Sadar and his wolf companion Denara...

Read excerpts from Sadar's journal.