
In a word, energy. The sort of energy that allows him to move quickly, take great risks, and unleash the power of his lord and protector, the almighty Kord, on his enemies. Rommel relishes battle and is especially fond of any adventure where he can demonstrate his prowess through his quickness and strength. He draws energy from challenge, and the more harrowing the mission, the more impossible the odds, the happier he ventures forth into the fray. But do not be deceived, he is not one to run recklessly into death's arms, but rather relishes the tasks others consider too foolhardy to even attempt. These are the tasks that lead to greater glory and are the ones of which legends are made.

A human male of only 17 years, Rommel stands 5 feet 11 inches. He is incredibly strong, stout, and dexterous. Long flowing sandy brown hair, biceps as big as trees, and green eyes that gleam at the first sign of the enemy describe him physically. The years growing up working on a farm and for the militia have prepared him well for his future.

His weapon of choice is always a two-handed sword although he will use long sword and shield if mounted. Occasionally, he will use a crossbow to engage a foe, but only will send one bolt as any more time with the bow is time delaying an introduction of his keen blade to the enemy. His preferred armor, and standard attire, is always magical chainmail as it allows both excellent protection and mobility.

Turn Ons: Daring missions, especially ones with a bit of flair... like killing skeletons with the Ant Eater and charging skeleton-infested towers

Turn Offs: Fireballs, ranged weapons, skeletons that seem to have an uncanny ability to roll critical hits

Favorite Food: Adventures' rations with a bit of mead

Favorite Hobby: No time for hobbies... just adventure!

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