
In a crowd, there is little about Quinn to grab attention. At 5' 9", he is of average height and slim build. From head to toe, he is burnt brown by the sun. Even his brown hair has faded to blond in the sunlight.

At a glance, Quinn seems no more than 17 years old. Only up close can you see his slightly pointed ears and angled bones which brand him as a half-elf (and probably quite a bit older).

On his left forearm is a tattoo of a mermaid with the word "MOM" underneath. Quinn's right bicep is adorned with a parrot. A white scar crosses his throat, which even magical healing has not fully healed.

Equipment-wise, Quinn travels lightly. Over one shoulder is a satchel and the other his coil of rope. A beat-up belaying pin usually is stuffed into his belt for good measure. Out of place, a light crossbow with shell inlays and detailed carvings is strapped awkwardly to his back. At rest stops, Quinn is sure to pull one book or another out of his satchel, usually to sketch his surroundings.

Quinn's most recognizable feature isn't actually his own. His red & green parrot 'Hugo' usually stands on his shoulder & talks to the people nearby. "Forget the cracker! Hugo wants a gold piece! Arrk!!!" Depending on the day, Quinn either says that Hugo is his old partner who stumbled across a Polymorph Glyph, a bird lost at sea in a storm that Quinn nursed back to health, or his long lost father returned from the dead to give more bad advice.

The number of stories about finding Hugo is nothing compared with the number of stories about his own youth. If believed, Quinn
A) is the illegitimate love child of a pirate captain and a mermaid,
B) was lost at sea during a storm called up by his mother's angry father, Lord Mælström,
C) ended being saved and then raised on a shipped captained by a wizard who had replaced the crew with hundreds of permanently animated ropes.

Quinn seems to travel for the love of the stories he hears & the stories he joins. He lives his days with the total belief that he will be one of those heroes.

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