ladriel, son of Valinor
Holy Warrior of the Sunbrand

Clad in shimmering elven mail, flaming long sword in hand, Gladriel is a holy warrior of the ancient elven Order of the Sunbrand. He channels the divine righteousness of Corellon and Ehlonna to rid the world of the evil he is sworn to fight. While able to call upon his holy powers to heal, Gladriel prefers to use his divine magic in combat. His domains are Sun and War, making Gladriel a fearsome opponent of all undead foes.

Gladriel is adept at diplomacy and cuts a charismatic figure. He stands 5'6" and is of medium build for a wood-elf. His hair is brown, eyes green. He is moderately strong, and very fast. While of average intelligence, he is wise beyond his young age of 111 years. He fights with sword and shield or rains death upon his foes with a mighty composite bow. Around his neck hangs the holy symbol of the Sunbrand, a miniature sword with a crescent guard and a flaming pommel.

Fighting for the Sunbrand is tradition in Gladriel's family. Valinor, Gladriel's now deceased father, was a powerful warrior in the order, as was Valinor's father before him. Gladriel's familial ties to the Sunbrand go all the way back to the Age of Strife, when the Order was divinely founded upon the battlefield to combat the Dark Servants unleashed by the Drow. The recent undead scourge has clear ties to the Great War and its ancient curse. In response to this, the Order of the Sunbrand has sent its warriors across the continent to gather information and battle the growing evil.

Gladriel's elven name means "son who wears the glowing circlet", a reference to the Sun Crowns bestowed by Ehlonna upon the first members of the Order. (Corellon gifted these same members their holy flaming swords, from which the Order takes its name). The name "Gladriel" is the male version of the more common female version "Galadriel".