
Fenris was born William Fenris Gardener ap Felan, the son of a human woman and a wild elf wolf lord.  He spent the formative years of his life bouncing back and forth between the city of Whitehall and the nearby elven lands, learning civilized behavior at the hands of his mother and unlearning it at the hands of his father.  Needless to say, he spent much of his childhood confused.

His time in the city was spent mainly with his mother, her younger sister, and their parents.  He was called William there, and would work in the family gardens, run errands and play with neighborhood children.  The latter proved difficult, as he grew much more slowly than the other boys and girls -- many of whom teased him over his pointed ears, wiry frame and angular facial features.

His time in the forest proved much more fun and exciting.  The Wild Tribe was unpredictable.  They would spend weeks to months in a single location, only to pack up suddenly and move on, with no apparent reason and leaving no trace of their presence.  There were no set bedtimes, and few rules.  Children were actually expected to dig holes, throw rocks, climb trees, play with wild animals, sample random plants and insects, swim in ponds and streams, explore caves, and just generally run amuck.  And while he grew much more quickly than the wild elf children, the teasing was more good-natured.  It helped that he was stronger than many of them, given his half-human heritage.  Even better, the Tribe called him by his elven name, Fenris.

As he approached adulthood, he began accompanying his father on his travels throughout the forest.  It was a strange time.  For almost two years, his father never spoke a word to the boy.  When asked a question, there would be no response.  When prompted for an explanation, none would be forthcoming.  More than once Fenris would waken to find himself lost and alone, and would have to fend for himself for weeks at a time.  He learned to create water from thin air, how to identify plants and speak with animals, how to calm a charging beast, how to befriend a wolf, and how to travel without leaving any trace of his passing.

One day his father came for him, after a prolonged absence, and led him to a clearing ringed with many strange men.  He was introduced to the Council of the Mobius Grove, and tested.

The tests were grueling, and he only barely survived.  It would be inappropriate to provide details, as the Council's rituals are shrouded in secrecy.  But in the end he was granted the title of Druid, and took Fenris as his sole name from that time forward.

Fenris doesn't have a specialty so much as a passion.  He has traveled extensively seeking out and studying numerous forms of life, be it plant, animal, beast, humanoid, giant, vermin, elemental, aberration, etc.  His study of the creatures he finds is aided by a particular talent Fenris possesses -- one that allows him to get up close without being seen.

Fenris' introduction to the party did not exactly endear him to the others, given the belligerent manner in which he joined.  Following the party's opening of a portal to the Plane of Fire, and the subsequent destruction of tens of thousands of acres of forest, the Druid's Council and the Wild Tribe sent Fenris and his friend Vlage to the deliver an ultimatum:  seal the portal, or die.  Not exactly the best way to win new friends, but important nonetheless.

Fenris stands 5' 9", and weighs 150 lbs.  He has long, brown dreadlocks and bright green eyes.  A scimitar hangs at one side, and sling and a bag of stones hang at the other.  He dresses in greens and browns, and wears an enchanted suit of leather and leaf armor common among his tribe.  He also carries a small shield of similar make.  He leaves no tracks as he walks, makes little sound, and in brush is very difficult to see.

Fenris' closest friend is a gray wolf named Cody.  Cody is three years old, measures 4' 1" from tip of nose to base of tail, and weighs 90 lbs.  He is a bit nervous around strange people, but completely at ease with Fenris.  Fenris found Cody when he was a pup, and took care of him.  Cody's mother had been caught in a hunter's trap, and killed.  The two watch out for one another, and keep one another company on their travels.

Fenris was distraught over the death of the great white dragon near the Drow Circle of Imprisonment, and parted ways with the rest of the group. He has not been heard from since.

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