rgyle MacTavish is a stranger in a strange land.

Hailing from dwardrukar, the southern continent that is home to his people, Argyle spent the first twenty-four years of his life as do all his kind -- learning his people's language and customs, practicing his runes, and playing at parenting, mining and war with the other children in the clan nurseries.

Upon reaching the Age of Fostering, Argyle was taken from his home and apprenticed to his great-great-uncle Cameron MacTavish, Abbot of the Doon Monastery. There he would spend the next twenty-five years of his life studying history, religion and war, before finally being ordained as a Warrior Priest of the Order of Endings.

The motto of the dwarven apprentice is "To learn, do." The last three years of Argyle's training, and the seven that followed, included much doing, as the dead had begun to rise. Long prepared for the onset of the Dark Curse, the priesthood marched forth and within ten short years had eliminated the undead plague.

An army of dwarven holy men is a terrible enemy to face.

Now he travels a distant land, by direction of his Order, to assess the threat to the people of the north. Separated from his kin by 3,000 miles of open ocean, Argyle is a lone dwarf among a multitude of humans and elves. Their ways are strange and their ale is weak, and he longs to return home. Yet he is compelled by his mission to remain, and so far he does not like what he sees.

Argyle is now travelling in self-imposed exile. After his departure, the party found an early entry in his ournal

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